The Romanian Artillery in 1917
In winter
1916-17 the Romanian Army was reorganized by a French Military Mission,
composed by 1150 French officers and men commanded by gén. de division Henri
Berthelot. His chief of Staff was colonel Petin. Gen. Berthelot was appointed
“Adiviser attached to Rumanian High Command for the direction and the
development of military operations”. His mission begun at the beginning of
December 1916, when he was integrated into the Romanian Army general
inspector’s staff. On 12 March 1918 the French Military Mission was expelled
from The Col.
Charles-Ernest Vouillemin was charged to the mission of reorganizing Romanian
Field Artillery, while Leit-col. Leon Steghens was assigned to the heavy
artillery. Col. Augustin Ungerer (Engineer Corps) had to train Romanian in
trench warfare. French artillery officers were attached to the Romanian
Armies : col. Pierre Henri Lafont to the 1st Army, and col.
Paul-Joseph Marie to the second Army. As for
artillery the first aim of French Mission was the standardization of guns.
The calibres adopted were: - field
artillery : 75mm - mountain
artillery : 75mm - light field
howitzers : 105mm, 114mm - heavy field
howitzers : 155mm and 152mm - heavy guns :
120mm and 155mm - trench
artillery : 58mm mortars There was a great
need of heavy artillery. British Minister Loyd George proposed to send in In mid June 1917 the four Infantry
Divisions of 1st Romanian Army had : - 9 Field
batteries with 75mm Krupp guns - 2 batteries
with 105mm howitzers - 1 battery
with 53mm light guns - 1 battery
with 58mm French mortars; while the six
Infantry Divisions of 2nd Army had : - 9 Field
batteries with 75mm Krupp guns - 1 battery
with 105mm howitzers - 1 battery
with 120mm howitzers - 1 battery
with 53mm light guns - 1 battery
with 58mm French mortars. The remaining five
Infantry Division had to be equipped with French Field guns (75mm Puteax),
but only 63 guns had left In 1917 Romanian Army had: - 114 field
artillery batteries - 14 mountain
artillery batteries - 80 field
howitzers batteries - 2 heavy
howitzers batteries - 47 heavy guns
batteries - 15 trench
mortars batteries. On
1 September 1917 the Romanian anti aircraft artillery had 76 – 57mm guns, 70
– 75mm guns, 23 machine guns and 12 searchlights. During WW1 the Romanian
anti-aircraft artillery shot down 11 planes and 1 Zeppelin. |
Henri Berthelot chef
of French
Military Mission in |
Petin with some members of
Military |