Tactical employment of large military
General directives for the tactical
employment of large military units (Общи
на големите
войскови единици)
were published with Army Order No. 63/19 February 1905, to provide a support
to the reforms introduced into the Bulgarian Army in 1903. They were the
first attempt to outline the strategic direction of the army and were written
according with the main principles of the French School and with of the
Italian Rules for the general
employment of the large units in war (Norme per l’impiego generale delle
grandi unità in guerra), published on 3 April 1903. Besides
the explanatory texts and the plates related with them, it comprised five
main sections : 1.
terminology of the principal strategic concepts :
operative bases, intermediate bases, line of the operations, theatre of the
military operations (theatre of war), area of the operations, lines of
communications, area of assembly (area of the strategic deployment),
strategic advance guard, strategic front, marching front, strategic
objective; 2.
orientation; 3.
march and manoeuvres; 4.
dispositions for the rest and the defensive cordon; 5.
combat. According
with the Temporary state for the field
direction of the army and the organization of the rear
за полевото
на армията и
на тила), translated from the Russian at
that time, the existing infantry divisions should expand into corps and their
brigades into divisions. In wartime an army corps would be composed of 2
infantry divisions, 2 squadrons of cavalry, one battalion of pioneers (3½
companies), 6 field hospitals with 45,355 men in all; each infantry division
of 4 infantry regiments with 4 battalions each, one artillery regiment with 9
field batteries (54 guns), the divisional supply train, the infantry park
company, the artillery park half company, the field hospital and the
divisional ambulances with 21,725 men. In addition the Army would include an
independent cavalry division and the mountain and fortress artillery units. The
principles laid down by the General
directions were based on the existence of 9 Army Corps and an independent
cavalry division. The distribution of such a force during the various phases of
the military operations was fully described in the text and explained by a
great numbers of plates. Actually these directives had not great influence
upon the operational employment of the Bulgarian Army since the corps
organization remained only on paper and was never really implemented. As
for the employment of the artillery the General
Directions assigned great importance to the artillery duel that was the
initial phase of the combat: infantry started to advance only when the
hostile artillery had been destroyed or suppressed. This rule was a legacy of
the old European artillery regulations, adopted when the artillery was
usually placed into the open; with the new quick firing guns deployed in
covered positions the artillery duel could not get good effects. The Instructions for the employment of the
field quick-firing artillery in combat, published the same year,
corrected this point, stating that duels between concealed artillery
batteries were almost useless, and that guns were better employed supporting
friendly infantry. Command. With the
expression “direction of the troops” the text meant the entire action of the
commander and of the general staff for the accomplishment of the task
assigned to the troops. Its basic principle was the “will of one man”, the
commander, to reach the full agreement in the action of every member of the
chain of command in order to achieve the common objective. The subordinates
had only to obey to the order taken previously without any discrepancy.
Nevertheless they should be also enterprising, especially when it was not
easy for the high commander to give orders, or when he fixed only the general
objective and the means to achieve it, while the ways were left to the
initiative of the subordinates (“delegated direction”). Lastly it was
demanded a strict observance of the directions established in the
regulations. The duties of the commander were the following : – during
the preliminary phase of the combat, he examined the information received and
decide whether the fight should be accepted; – during
the preparatory phase, he elaborated the plan of the action, choosing the
point and the direction for the attack and setting the distribution of the
troops, and issued orders and directives; – when
he thought that the preparation had been fully developed, he gave the signal
for the decisive attack. The task of collect the data required to evaluate
accurately the situation was assigned to the chief of the staff. The
information were collected from the general command, the reconnaissance, the
military formations, the observatory posts, the local residents, the
prisoners, the deserters, the foreign press etc. General rules. The Army
was regarded as the strategic force and was charged to fulfil the main tasks
of the war that could be closed after one or two general battles or
operations. Its aim was to inflict the most decisive defeat to the enemy. The
annihilation of the enemy forces could be obtained only by means of an
offensive tactic. For this purpose, however, an absolute superiority was not
necessary. The enemy should be attacked everywhere, but the decisive strike
should be conducted with superiority of means, choosing the most favourable
time and place. Therefore, all forces should meet in the decisive point at the
desired moment. The
aim of the combat was to break the will of the enemy, imposing his own will.
For this purpose, all the enemy means – animate and inanimate – should be
entirely destroyed. The main way to obtain a decisive victory was the
coordinate action of every units and arms: the basic rule was the mutual
support. The inaction was regarded as the bigger mistake for commanders at
all levels. The
offensive started from distant starting point, the troops being deployed
during the approaching march, and the military operations began without
having occupied the starting positions. The strategic deployment of the Army
should be carried out under the cover of troops placed near the border,
called advance guard or covering units. A key role during the march and the
reconnaissance was assigned to the cavalry. The
military operation included the following phases : – the
approaching march; – the
preliminary actions of the independent cavalry division and of the advance
guards; – the
deployment of the troops; – the
fight with the main body of the Army. The basic methods to defeat the enemy were the
frontal attack, the encirclement and the flank attack. At first the frontal
attack should be avoided since it caused heavy losses and, even if it was
successful, its effect was not decisive. Nevertheless an attempt to envelop
both the flanks of the defender could be made only having a great moral and
numerical superiority on the enemy. The battle consisted of four distinct phases : – the
preliminary phase, composed of the initial contact and the actions of the
advance guards; – the
artillery duel, aimed to annihilate the hostile artillery; – the
preparation of the attack, where infantry massed and occupy the preparatory
positions; – the
decisive attack and, if it was successful, the pursuit of the enemy. The march. In broken
mountainous country inhabited by a sympathetic population, like Macedonia,
the service of reconnaissance should be assisted by small local guerrilla
detachments (чети). A strategic advanced guard should
be employed to cover the march of the several columns composing an army and
should be one day’s march in front of the enemy, when the army was more than
three days’ march distant from it. When
it was marching in a single column from one to three day march from the
enemy, an army corps should be deployed as follows. The first line transport
(военна обоз)
followed immediately behind the unit to which it belonged; the regimental supply
train was joined to the corps baggage train, forming the first portion of the
corps transport
(административна обоз),
whereas the second portion was subdivided into 3 echelons : – 1st
echelon : 2 half companies of the divisional infantry ammunition column, 2
half companies of the divisional artillery ammunition column, the first
section of both divisional supply columns and both divisional ambulances; – 2nd
echelon : the remaining 2 half companies of the divisional infantry and
artillery ammunition columns, the second sections of both divisional supply
columns and both divisional field hospitals; – 3rd
echelon : the 3rd and 4th section of both divisional supply columns. When
within one day’s march from the enemy the breadth of front occupied was
calculated at The
attack. The
attack was the most decisive way to obtain a victory and should be preferred
to the defence that was regarded as a temporary kind of combat. It was the
most cautious way to get ready and should be adopted only waiting to take the
offensive with the best chances to obtain a decisive victory. At
first the advance guards of both armies, mainly composed by cavalry, came
into contact, strongly supported by their artillery. They should seize and
held critical strongpoint until relieved by the infantry. In order to make
more effective the reconnaissance, the head of the various advancing columns
might support their cavalry not only with some batteries, but also with part
of their infantry. Furthermore they might advance up the first line, in order
to watch the combat personally. While
the troops of the main force was deploying and manoeuvring to approach the
enemy positions, the artillery quickly went ahead, joining its forces with
the artillery of the advance guard, and started the artillery duel with the
enemy. Its aim was to destroy or at least to weaken the fire of the defender
and facilitate the running out and the attack of the infantry. During this
phase of the combat the artillery played the main role and the infantry
should give up the best positions and the best approaches. The initial
artillery position should be 3- The
success of the duel relied on the skill of the head of the artillery, who
should seek to concentrate the greatest number of guns against the fire of
the defender, taking advantage of every accident of the ground to occupy the
positions covertly and rapidly, and to adjust the fire as quickly as
possible. The concentration of the fire should not result from massing a
great number of guns in a single place, but from a correct distribution of
the tasks assigned to all the batteries deployed on battlefront and from a
clever direction of the fire. The power of fire reached the peak only when the
attacker moved its guns to the advanced artillery position, 2-2½ km away from
the enemy. When
the artillery of the defender was sufficiently weakened, infantry, always
under the cover of the artillery fire, resumed its advance, adopting a thin
formation and taking advantage of the grounds features. In this phase of the
combat, infantry took again priority over artillery, which should adjust its
fire on the advance of the troops trying to make it easier. When the defender
moved its fire against the advancing troops, the artillery of the attacker
should seek to sweep away all the units that might hamper the advance with
their fire. If it was not able to do it from its present positions, it should
follow the troops, even coming into the range of infantry fire, if necessary. The
preparation of the decisive attack began when infantry came within the
effective zone of rifle fire, at 1000-1200 paces from the enemy. All the
batteries kept in reserve until then went into action and the whole artillery
directed an overwhelming fire at the point chosen for the attack, seeking to
destroy the hostile batteries which were still firing and the infantry units
that might impede the attack. Often the artillery of the defender, being
weaker, stopped its fire during the duel, to save it up for repelling the
decisive attack. The artillery of the attacker should be always ready to
redirect its fire against the artillery of the defender, as soon as it opened
fire again. When
the proper preparation had been made, the heads of the main units suddenly
launched the assault, seeking to carry it as much as possible without
interruption and simultaneously up the last firing line. During this phase of
the combat the artillery of the attacker keep up a strong fire at the points
chosen for the attack, ceasing its fire only to avoid to injury its own
troops. In this case, the fire was moved to the enemy units deployed near or
behind the point of attack. Once the point of attack had been captured, part
of infantry and artillery stopped and strengthened its position, pressing the
enemy only with its fire. During the pursuit the main role was assigned to
the cavalry and only secondarily to the most fresh infantry units and the
lightest and most moving artillery. The defence. The
defensive position had to fulfil specific requisites : – to
block the most probable directions of advance of the enemy; – to
assure a good field of view and a good field of fire; – to
have no obstacle that might hinder the advance of the reserve; – to
have such ground features that made possible to arrange a hard defence and to
hide from the enemy the rear and the concentration of the reserve; – to
have an extension conformed with the troops on hand; – to
cover the flanks; – to
facilitate the direction of the combat and the mutual support. The
line on which the artillery was to fight the decisive action formed the
framework of every defensive position, therefore in deploying the troops, the
best places should be always assigned to the artillery and infantry should
line up in concert with artillery. As far as possible the troops should be
placed in covered positions to protect better themselves from the hostile
fire and come into action suddenly. In order to assure an effective defence
both infantry and artillery should be largely supplied with ammunition from
the very beginning of the combat. Since
the attacker was obliged to bring his forces into action gradually, at first
the artillery of the defender fired at the various units of the enemy as they
occupied their positions. This did not mean that it had to shoot as soon as a
target appeared on the battlefield, since the attacker usually tried to
entice the defender to open fire in order to locate the hostile positions.
Therefore it was advisable that the defender kept its artillery concealed
until he discerned a target worthy of his attention, like unlimbering
artillery and thick columns of infantry or cavalry. Afterwards
the artillery of the defender should act in order to support constantly its
infantry, directing its fire against hostile batteries, whose fire had become
most annoying. If the hostile artillery was very much stronger numerically
and could annihilate the artillery of the defender, it was advisable that the
defender ceased fire temporarily, concealing his artillery, and reopened fire
later to repeal the decisive attack of the enemy. When the hostile troops
were so close that they prevented their artillery from firing, all the
batteries of the defender should come into action and fire to the very end,
taking no care of losing their guns. During the decisive attack all the
batteries should leave the secondary targets and concentrate their fire upon
the assaulting infantry. The night combat.
Even if the night combat was not an effective way to annihilate the enemy, it
often could facilitate the victory, allowing the attacker to approach the
enemy positions, that would be seized at the daybreak. In the event of a
withdrawal, it could facilitate to disengage the troops from the enemy. Launching
an attack, the army should make a deep
reconnaissance of the enemy and of the ground. The orders should be simple,
the task clear and definite, and the movement straight and short. The troops
approached the enemy in little columns (not more than 2 battalions), preceded
at a short distance by the advance guard, and connect by a dense line of
patrols carrying light signals. The attack should be sudden and abrupt. The
troops should not shot, but assaulted with the bayonets, moving in silence. In
defence, the army should remain in close
contact with the enemy to avoid any surprise and should enlighten the field
of fire, to facilitate the cooperation with the artillery. Infantry was
deployed in a thin line, 20 or 30 paces behind the trenches, and was
supported by many little contingents of supporting troops. The reserve should
be more numerous than in daytime, the artillery should be well protected and
the cavalry should stay behind. To slow down the enemy advance, the ground
should be covered by every kind of obstacles, beaten by the machine-guns.
Fire was opened only at short distance. |