Duties of the different heads concerning artillery


Head of the Detachment

Head of Artillery

He keeps the head of the artillery constantly informed about the situation and his own intents.

He must take care of being constantly informed about the situation and the intents of the head of the Detachment.

He fixes the area where artillery must occupy its initial position.

During the reconnaissance of the battlefield, he informs the head of the Detachment about the position, which will be occupied by the artillery units inside the area chosen for them.

He gives the order to open fire.

He is constantly in communication with the head of the Detachment, when he is not with him.

As a rule, he fixes the moment when artillery must change its position. However if the situation requires a quick resolution, every head of artillery can take this decision.

Inside the area chosen for the deployment of the artillery, he assigns the positions of the different units.

If necessary, he gives the order to put under one common command to direct to one specific target all or part of the artillery batteries, taking care to avoid the fragmentation of the units.

He gives the opportune orders to his temporary and permanent subordinates about :

    the occupation of the positions and the areas that should be observed or shelled,

    the distribution of the targets,

    the moment when they should open fire,

    the situation.

He fixes the exact moment when the previously mentioned measure, that is always temporary, must be interrupted.

He follows accurately the development of the combat, and prepares the change of the position, that must be carried out without wasting time, at his order or when the situation requires it.

He informs in good time the head of the artillery about the moment when infantry will launch an attack, to obtain the fire support from artillery.

He takes care of the direct defence of every artillery position through scouts.

He arranges the means to cover to the artillery through the formation of the whole Detachment or through units especially assigned to this task.

He informs constantly his closest subordinates about his location during the battle, keeping with him some orderlies.


The head of the artillery of a Corps

according with the directives received from the commander of the Corps, assigns the task of artillery units of every Division, delimiting the area where they must operate and, if required, their positions. During the combat, he can direct the fire of all the batteries assigned to his sector.

The head of the artillery of a Division

assignes to every artillery division their field of action, choosing which batteries must occupy firing, observation or awaiting positions.

The head of the artillery division

assigns the targets of every battery, chooses which batteries must occupy firing, observation or awaiting positions, and, if required, delimits their field of action. As a rule, he does not direct the fire, but controlles its accuracy, intervening only to correct mistakes.

The battery commander

a)    with the battery in firing position

    determines the initial firing data, indicates the target and, if required, also the sight,

    directs the adjustment and the fire for effect,

    checks that the platoon commanders determined the correct deflection,

    if required, makes the correction to shift the fire on the whole front of the target.

b)    with the battery in observation position

    examines the field of action of his artillery division or even of his battery;

    determines the initial firing data concerning the points where the target may appear.

c)    With the battery in awaiting position

examines the probable positions and, if possible, the area to shell.

The platoon commander

executes the orders of the battery commander, controlling that the gunners carry out their tasks accurately, determines the deflection and takes care of the accurate distribution of the fire on the whole front of the target.