Distribution of the artillery units on 16 June 1913



1st QF artillery regiment

1st division : 3rd / 5th Infantry Brigade

2nd and 3rd division : 5th Dunavska Division

4th division (4th and 6th bts. / 1st not QF art. rgt.) : 5th Dunavska Division

2nd QF artillery regiment

6th Bdinska Division

3rd QF artillery regiment

2nd Trakiyska Division

4th QF artillery regiment

1st and 2nd division : 1st Sofiyska Division

3rd division = 3rd div. / 10th art. rgt. : 2nd / 10th Infantry Brigade

5th QF artillery regiment

1st and 2nd division : 4th Preslavska Division

3rd division : 2nd / 4th Infantry Brigade

6th QF artillery regiment

1st division : 1st / 3rd Infantry Brigade

2nd and 3rd division : 3rd Balkanska Division

7th QF artillery regiment

7th Rilska Division

8th QF artillery regiment

8th Tundzhavska Division

9th QF artillery regiment

1st and 3rd division : 9th Plevenska Division

2nd division = 1st div. /12th art. rgt. : 12th Infantry Division

1st not QF artillery regiment

1st division : 8th Tundzhavska Division

4th and 6th batteries = 4th div. /1st art. rgt. : 5th Dunavska Division

5th battery : Cavalry division (rearmed with ex Turkish 75mm QF guns)

2nd not QF artillery regiment

1st division = 1st div. / 10th art. rgt. : 1st / 10th Infantry Brigade

2nd division = 2nd div. / 10th art. rgt. : Odrinska Brigade

3rd not QF artillery regiment

11th art. rgt. : 11th Infantry Division

4th not QF artillery regiment

1st Sofiyska Division

5th not QF artillery regiment

4th Preslavska Division

6th not QF artillery regiment

3rd Balkanska Division

7th not QF artillery regiment

1st division : Dramska Brigade

2nd division : Serska Brigade

8th not QF artillery regiment

1st division : 13th Infantry Division

2nd division : Makedono-Odrinsko Opalchenie (rearmed with ex Turkish 75mm QF guns)

9th not QF artillery regiment

1st battery :

1st division (2nd and 3rd battery) : 7th Rilska Division

2nd division : 7th Rilska Division

10th artillery regiment

1st QF division = 1st div. / 2nd not QF art. rgt. = 1st / 10th Infantry Brigade

2nd division = 2nd div. / 2nd not QF art. rgt. : Odrinska Brigade

3rd division = 3rd div. / 4th art. rgt. : 2nd / 10th Infantry Brigade

11th artillery regiment

= 3rd art. rgt. : 11th Infantry Division

12th artillery regiment

1st division = 2nd div. / 9th art. rgt. : 12th Infantry Division

2nd division = 3 – 75mm not QF bts. : 12th Infantry Division

13th artillery regiment

1st division = 1st div. / 8th art. rgt. : 13th Infantry Division

2nd division = 2 – 87mm and 1 – 75mm not QF bts. : 13th Infantry Division

1st mountain artillery regiment

1st QF division (2nd, 3rd bts.) : 9th Plevenska Division

1st QF battery : 3rd Balkanska Division

2nd QF division (4th, 5th Bty.) : 5th Army

6th QF battery : Serska Brigade

7th QF battery : Dramska Brigade

4th not QF division (8th, 9th, 10th Bty.) : 5th Dunavska Division

2nd mountain artillery regiment

1st QF division (1st, 2nd, 3rd Bty.) : 7th Rilska Division

2nd QF division (4th, 5th, 6th, 9th Bty.) : Makedono-Odrinsko Opalchenie

3rd QF division (7th, 8th Bty.) : Makedono-Odrinsko Opalchenie

4th not QF division (10th, 11th, 12th Bty.) : Makedono-Odrinsko Opalchenie

3rd mountain artillery regiment

1st QF division (1st, 2nd, 3rd Bty.) : 5th Army

2nd QF division (4th, 5th Bty.) : 2nd Trakiyska Division

3rd QF division (6th, 7th Bty.) : 2nd Trakiyska Division

4th not QF division (8th, 9th, 10th Bty.) : 5th Army

1st QF howitzer division

5th Army

2nd QF howitzer division

2nd Army

3rd QF howitzer division

4th Army

1st not QF howitzer division

1st, 2nd and 3rd battery : 3rd Army

3rd not QF howitzer division

4th and 5th battery : 3rd army

Sofiyski fortress battalion

1st division (2 - 150mm how. bts.) : 3rd Army

1 – 150mm how. bty. : Seres

2nd division (3 - 120mm L/28 guns bts.) : 3rd Army

? – 15cm L/30 guns bty. (2 guns) : Dedeagach

? – 15cm L/30 guns bty. (6 guns) : Odrin

12cm L/30 guns division (6 guns) : Odrin

12cm L/25 guns battery : 3rd Army

Shumenski fortress battalion

15cm L/14 how. bty. : Dedeagach (armed with 2 ex Turkish 15cm QF hows.)

1st 15cm how. bty. : Dedeagach

2nd, 3rd 15cm how. bts. : 3rd Army

2nd group (3 - 120mm L/28 guns bts.) : Odrin

1st 15cm L/30 guns bty : Dedeagach (2 guns)

2nd 15cm L/30 guns bty : Sofia (4 guns)

1st 12cm L/30 guns bty. :

10.5cm L/30 guns bty. : 3rd Army (armed with 4 ex Turkish 10.5cm QF guns and with gunners coming from 2nd 12cm L/30 bty.)

1st, 2nd, 3rd 5.7cm turret bts. : 3rd Army

4th, 5th 5.7cm turret guns sections : Belogradchik

8.7cm bty. : Dedeagach (armed with 8.7cm ex Turkish not QF guns)

Vidinski fortress battalion

1st 6 inch [152.4mm] mortars battery : Sofia (desarmed, the gunners assigned to 2nd div. / 12th art. rgt.)

2nd, 3rd 6 inch [152.4mm] mortars battery : Vidin

1st, 2nd 24 pdr [152.4mm] long guns batteries : Vidin

1st, 2nd, 3rd 24 pdr [152.4mm] short guns batteries : Vidin (desarmed)

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 9 pdr [106.7mm] guns batteries = 2nd div. / 12th art. rgt. : 12th  Infantry Division (rearmed with 75mm not QF guns)

105mm L/30 gun battery : 2nd Army (armed with ex Turkish 105mm QF guns and with gunners coming from the 9 pdr [106.7mm] guns batteries)

5th, 6th, 7rd, 8th 9 pdr [106.7mm] guns batteries : Vidin

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5.7cm turret guns sections : Vidin

1st, 2nd, 3rd 75mm not QF batteries : Vidin