The deliveries of optical devices
Rangefinders. At the end of the 19th
century the Bulgarian artillery was provided with special optical devices. In 1892 the Russian
Army tested in the It could be employed only for infantry, since its accuracy decreased
for ranges up to The Bulgarian Army followed once more the Russian example and adopted
the jumelle-télémčtre Souchier
Суше) for its
artillery, while no rangefinder was introduced for the infantry units. At the
end of the century every battery received a rangefinder and the rules issued
in 1902 stressed that firing at medium and long ranges, the distance should
always determined by rangefinder. At the end of the 19th Century, the fortress artillery was
equipped with the Stroobants prismatic rangefinder (далекомер
Стробанса), adopted also by the Belgian infantry in 1894. It
was lighter and smaller than the Souchier rangefinder, easy to use and very
cheap. In February 1906 cpt. Nikolov of the 34th Troyansky Infantry Regiment
invented a new kind of rangefinder and proposed its adoption by the Army. The
War Minister Mihail Savov set up a Commission presided by major general
Georgi Vazov in order to test it. According with the official report, the
rangefinder proved to be light and easy to use. Without a long practice, it
could be handled by a man standing, kneeling or laying. As for its accuracy,
on a distance of After having examined the device and the practical results of its use,
the Commission, taking into account the increased battle dynamics as well as
the shortage of other reconnaissance tools, concluded that the Nikolov rangefinder
was quite effective for both infantry and artillery. Nevertheless it seems
that it was never adopted by the Bulgarian Army. In 1909 some infantry and artillery units begun to test the most
modern kinds of coincidence rangefinders : “Goerz”, “Zeiss”, “Hahn” and “Barr
& Stroud”. The following year the Artillery Committee with Report Nr.
3/25-26 November 1910 concluded that all of them were solid, watertight and easy to use, the range being estimated from a single
place in a minute. Among the artillery rangefinders the “Goerz” model
was the most reliable, the error in setting being only 2-5% of the estimated
range, while among the infantry ones both “Goerz” and “Barr & Stroud”
were regarded as very effective. Nevertheless the Committee suggested the adoption of the “Goerz” model, since it had
proved to be also the most solid. The infantry
model could be carried by a soldier in a knapsack, the artillery one by horse
in a bag. Therefore the Bulgarian Army purchased from
the German firm “Optische Anstalt C. P. Goerz A.G. Berlin
– Friedenau” 36 rangefinders On 21 October 1915, just after the declaration of War, the Artillery
Inspection obtained from They were distributed as follows: 20 artillery and 16 infantry rangefinders
were sent to 1st Army to be assigned to 1st, 6th, 8th and 9th Division; 20 artillery and 16 infantry rangefinders
were sent to 2nd Army to be assigned to 3rd, 5th, 7th and 11th Division; 5 artillery and 4 infantry rangefinders were
sent to 2nd Trakyska Division; remaining 5 artillery and 4 infantry
rangefinders were probably send to 3rd Army to be assigned to 4th Division. Binoculars. At the beginning of the
20th Century the Bulgarian artillery was equipped with Galilean
binoculars, mainly from the French firm “Huet” (“Societé Anonime des Anciens
Établissements Huet et Cie. Paris”), that was also the supplier of the French
Army, while a lot of officers were equipped with “Goerz” field glasses, with
a magnification power of 8 times. With the introduction of the quick-firing
artillery, more modern devices should be adopted. In 1911 the Artillery
Committee tested some prismatic field glasses of the firms “Goerz”,
“Zeiss” and “Huet”. All the models were
achromatic and had parallel axis, but the two German models proved to be
better both for the optical features of the lens, the quality of the image
(cleanness, definition and precision) and the solidity, being shockproof and
watertight. Therefore with Report Nr. 2/30 April
1911 the Committee recommended for the officers the adoption of the
binoculars of the firm “Zeiss” (“Carl Zeiss Optische Wekstätten Jena”), with
a magnification power of 6 times, a highness of 25, and a field of vision of
150 milličmes. |
Souchier prismatic rangefinder Stroobants prismatic rangefinder |